import re

Regular Expressions are Awesome

Kieran R. Prasch


  • Cover the basics
  • Share with you a few of my favorite parts about using regular expressions
  • Code examples
  • (hopefully) Inspire you to use regex more often

What are Regular Expressions?

"Regular Expressions are boring."
"Looks Scary"
"A set of instructions for matching any substring of a specified pattern."
In [1]:

Regex Morpheus

Regular Expression are a special!

Its not just a language, but it runs inside languages

Whitespace Free

Many cups of coffee per character

Regular Expressions in practice

  • Log Parsing
  • Validation
  • Text Analysis
  • Refactoring
  • Web Scraping
  • Geocoding
  • Feature Extraction
  • Command Line Tools
  • Databases
  • Django Routing
  • <input pattern="(java|ecma)script" required>

  • <(.*?)>

  • SELECT * FROM YourDatabase WHERE YourField REGEXP 'ty$';

  • url(r'^post/detail/(?P<slug>[a-z_A-z]+)$', home),



. ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( )




  • Ignorecase
  • Multiline
  • Global
  • Verbose

RegEx Essentials

  1. Quantifiers *, +, ?

  2. Character classes [abc], [a-z], [^a-z] and \w

  3. Groups a(bc)+

  4. Anchors ^ and $

abc abcregex

Word Character one or more times


Word Character zero or more times. (optional)


Word Character exactly 3 times.


Charachter Class exactly three times


Character class exactly three times, inside a capture group, with both line begenning and end anchors.


Email Address



Extended formatting


In [2]:
p = re.compile(r"""

(\+\d{1,2})?               # Optional Country Code +1 or perhaps +22
(-|\()?                    # Optional hyphen or open parenths for the area code.
(\d{10}                    # Try and match ten digits exactly
|                          # Else
(\d{3}                     # Match three digits
[\-|\)]{0,2})              # Hypen or close parenths zero through 2 times (to account for -))  
{2}                        # Repeat to match the next three digits
\d{4})                     # The remaining four digits
$                          # Ensure nothing else follows 

""", re.VERBOSE)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-c4686f28b6d7> in <module>()
----> 1 p = re.compile(r"""
      3 (\+\d{1,2})?               # Optional Country Code +1 or perhaps +22
      4 (-|\()?                    # Optional hyphen or open parenths for the area code.
      5 (\d{10}                    # Try and match ten digits exactly

NameError: name 're' is not defined

Matching against many types of phone numbers

Phone Number


Command line

$ tree -h -I '*.pyc|__pycache__' - Getting a clean look at the file tree

$ cat syslog auth.log | grep -E '([128-255]{3}\.)*?[100-255]{3}' - Searching for certain IPv4 addresses

Web Scraping

In [ ]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re

def get_speech_links():
    """Scrapes a list of links to speeches"""
    base_url = ''
    r = requests.get(base_url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
    little_soup = soup.find_all("a", {"href": re.compile(r"""
    \w+           # One or more word characters
    /             # A forward slash
    \w+           # One or more word characters
    /speeches/    # Literally
    .*            # Any number of characters, or none
    $             # Ensure the end of the string is met, no spaces allowed!
    """, re.VERBOSE)})
    links = {a['href'] for a in little_soup}
    return links

links = list(get_speech_links())

Text Analysis


In [ ]:
with open('iliad.txt', 'r') as iliad:
    iliad =
In [ ]:
pattern = re.compile(r'''

\s*    # A Space Character, or not.
(\w+)  # One or more words Characters
\s*    # Another Space Character, or not.

''', re.X)

matches = pattern.findall(iliad)

print("With Reg Ex:", len(matches))

print("With the python split method:", len(iliad.split()))
In [ ]:
pattern = re.compile(r'''

# Matches full sentences pertaining to war.

.+     # Any Character one or more times.
\s+    # A white space character, one or more times
war    # The string 'war'
\s+    # A white space character, one or more times
.+     # Any Character one or more times.
\.     # A Period, literally.

''', re.X)

matches = pattern.findall(iliad)

print("With Reg Ex:", len(matches))



^[a-z A-Z]{1,}\S$

\w+@\w\.[a-z]{2,} \w+@[\w_-]\.[a-z]{2,}

In [ ]:

<input name='zipcode' placeholder="zipcode" pattern=\d{5}>
In [ ]:

<label>Type 'javascript' or 'ecmascript'</label>

<input pattern="(java|ecma)script" required>



input:invalid {
  border: 1px solid red;

input:valid {
  border: 1px solid green;
In [ ]:

<input type="text" placeholder="Name" pattern="^[a-z A-Z]{1,}\S$" required><br>

<input type="text" placeholder="Phone Number" pattern='(\+\d{1,2})?(-|\()?(\d{10}|(\d{3}[\-|\)]{0,2}){2}\d{4})$' required><br>

<input type="text" placeholder="E-mail" pattern='\w+@\w\.[a-z]{2,}' required><br>


input:invalid {
  border: 1px solid red;

input:valid {
  border: 1px solid green;

Django URL Routing

Python RegEx "Named Groups" ----> Parameter Capturing

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^post/detail/(?P<slug>[a-z_A-z]+)$', home),
In [3]:
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
#from .models import Post

def post_detail_view(request, slug):
    post = Post.objects.get(slug=slug)
    # get_object_or_404()
    return render(request, 'presidents.html', {'post': post})

Interesting Features

Lookarounds / Extensions

  • (?=...) Positive Lookahead - assert that a pattern matches in the future
  • (?!...) Negative Lookahead - assert a pattern does not match in the future

  • (?<=...) Positive Lookbehind - assert a pattern that must preceed the next expression

  • (?<!...) Negative Loohbehind - assert a pattern that must not preceed the next expression

Characterset Negation

[^!@#$%&*()_+] Match anything except the charset

Lazy Loops

* is not the same as ?

re.compile('https?://') will match url addresses with or without the optinal 's'

re.compile('https*://') may match 'httpssssss://'

Lazy Quantifier

<div>.*?</div> Considers the future

note: Don't actually parse html with regular expressions.


  • RegExps are a Swiss army knife

  • Remeber that RegEx has is a language with commands, loops, and flow control

  • Using Rgular Expressions may be a mistake!

  • Verbose / Extended Formatting

Regex is Easy
